The worldwide addiction epidemic is ongoing and makes headlines left and right. The drug trafficking empire stands strong even in the most challenging financial times and is rising continuously without a stop. In fact, it is one of the most lucrative forms of business in the criminal world.
Overwhelming reports were made a few years back stating that at least 6.1 out of every million people died from abusing drugs in the UAE. However, the drug abuse rate is comparatively low as compared to other countries, still, it has been an alarming situation for the officials and governmental bodies in the UAE.
As to put a complete stop and ban on drug trafficking, smuggling, or attempts to bring illegally, the government of the UAE is taking high measures in order to cope with the situation and bring an end to it once and for all. In recent years, the authorities have made successful attempts to cease the smuggling of millions of narcotic pills, narcotic substances, and other hundreds of thousand tons of drugs. The penalties and punishments have been made tougher for the violators in order to set solid examples. Even the law and advocacy firm in Dubai also suggests to its readers to stay away from these illicit activities through its blog section.
Drug Trafficking Highpoints in the UAE
The illegal drug trade starts by cultivating transformed plants into final products. From production to its distribution and sale of the substance, the whole drug industry has a net worth of $32 billion, according to United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
The reports suggest that drug cartel activity is increasing even in the poorest parts of the world. For instance, Mexico is underprivileged to the point that 30% of the population can’t buy food. The immense drug cartel activities extravagate this situation. The local people in these countries may otherwise be law-abiding and honest and may succumb to the temptation of illicit trade of narcotics, as it may appear to be their only choice for survival.
However, when we talk about UAE, the local and custom laws are stricter than in several other countries. The residents, tourists, and business individuals are being warned of their actions so that they escape the latter consequences. As for drugs, there is a zero-tolerance policy for drug-related offences. The penalties for drug trafficking, smuggling, and possession of drugs are severe and can lead to severe consequences. The sentences and punishments for drug trafficking or smuggling can include the death penalty, and possession of even the smallest of drugs and narcotics can lead to a maximum three-month prison term of a fine not less than AED 20,000 and not exceeding AED 100,000.
In order to monitor and keep a careful eye on it, the authorities are taking high measures. Airports, other destinations, and other public places are monitored and controlled by excellent technology and security measures.
Drug Market in Full Swing – The Disruption
No industry can flourish unless the demand increases. This is what exactly happens with the illegal drug trafficking industry around the world.
The Covid-19 outbreak is a major reason behind the border closures that disrupted the supply of street drugs. Moreover, increased unemployment and the fact that people are confined to their homes make them vulnerable to drugs. The extreme shortage of supply resulted in increased prices and low purity. However, the complete effects of the global health crisis on the drug market are yet to be discovered, but it has caused ripples within several countries of the world.
Drug Trafficking or Possession Laws in Dubai
When we talk about possessing drugs or even being involved in trafficking, you must brace yourself as the laws are strict and punishments are severe – more than you can probably think of. And for this, you will certainly require the help of a legal consultant.
It doesn’t matter if you are carrying a small drug substance with you, involved in hundred tons of smuggling, or even having cannabis oil in your e-cigarettes or vapes – everything is banned and subject to punishment in the UAE. In addition, if you are accused of a drug case, you can seek the help of the best law firm in Dubai that can save you and your reputation.
The Federal Decree No. 30 of 2021 on combating narcotics and drug substances came into effect on 2 January 2022. This introduced three degrees of a penalty against drug use and possession while in Dubai or another Emirate of the UAE. Here are a few of the punishments one will have to face if or when found in drug possession, trafficking, or consumption;
As for the first-time offenders, the convicts are subject to a three-month prison term.
The fine imposition for first-time offenders is not less than AED 20,000 and does not exceed AED 100,000.
The court holds the full discretion to exchange punishments for the first-time offenders with treatment in specialized rehabilitation units to be established across the country under the newly amended law.
As for the repeated consumption of drugs or possession within the first three years of the first attempt, the offender will be fined a six-month jail term or with a fine, not less than AED 30,000 and not exceeding AED 100,000.
Moreover, a third-time offence brings a two-year prison term and a fine of at least AED 100,000.
Furthermore, for trafficking or selling of drugs, the fines are heftier, and punishments are stricter. Here are some of the details to note;
The new law imposed also clears that a minimum jail term is around 5 years with a minimum fine of AED 50,000.
The crime will be considered aggravating if the facilitation is being provided in public gatherings, educational places, or sports facilities. In addition, serving or providing drugs to females and juveniles or providing at the places of worship.
Another is if the drug provider has become harmful to the victim under the drug influences, the minimum jail term is 7 years and a fine of at least AED 100,000.
The Final Takeaway
So, it has become succinctly clear that drug use, abuse, trafficking, possession, facilitation, selling, or smuggling, all the activities related to drugs or drug substances are punishable with heft fines, jail terms, and imprisonments. Moreover, the government of the UAE is taking strict measures against the perpetrators. Thus, if you are travelling to the UAE or are residing in any of the Emirates, you better stay away from these activities in order to avoid consequences.
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