Technology is incrementing its horizons with every passing day. New technological advancements, gadgets, and devices are being manufactured for convenience and improvement for people. When we think of all the tens of thousands of innovative devices that have taken over the world by storm, Drones are no objection to us.
The increasing use of drones for a variety of purposes has increased in recent years, considering the soaring wings it gives to our unrivaled fancies. But since the use of drones has grown in Dubai, people are leveraging and exploiting their service at the same time.
In fact, the new rule and changes have been introduced regarding the use of drones by the Ministry of Interior of the UAE. The new impositions have been restrictive on the use of drones or other similar aircraft without the must-needed permission from the authorities. The recent changes and implementation of laws have strictly enforced the owners and practitioners of drones to abide by the regulations set in order to set clear boundaries for everyone.
Flying drones are considered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), which now have strong regulations from the authorities, and violating them would mean severe consequences.
Implementing new strategies and enforcing laws on flying drones was become the need of an hour. There have been continuous reports of drone owners trespassing into the prohibited zones, covering classified businesses, promoting real estate building projects without consent, and sometimes endangering lives to the greatest.
Whether you are flying your drone up in the public air, using it for an outdoor advertisement, covering someone’s special moment, or even using it for a sail sport event, the use of it has a permanent ban for everyone. The authorities and governmental bodies have clearly indicated that people use drones in order to save themselves while not becoming a public menace to any other individual or property. Moreover, the Ministry of Interior and the General Authority of Civil Aviation have issued new guidelines and set rules.
General Rules for Flying Drones in Dubai
Be it the requirement is for recreational purposes, photography, advertisement, or aerial survey, etc., the general rules have been the same for everyone, and practicing them is mandatory at all times.
Permission for Flying a Drone – My Drone Hub Application
It is evident that flying drones in Dubai is legally not allowed at all costs and is considered an offense that must be dealt with solutions to avoid uncertain events. However, there is an exception, and permission has been issued for organizational usage.
In order to regulate this permission fully compliant with the authorities, an all-in-one application has been created, i.e., My Drone Hub, to assist the users with authorization. This app mainly allows the users to fly drones and do photography in the areas that are permitted to fly drones. However, there are specific regulations and laws pertaining to it that you must acquire yourself;
The height allowed to fly drones in a specific radius is about 400 feet.
The use of the app is mandatory as it gives the perfect information regarding the place with an interactive app that gives a clear status at all times.
The drone must be registered with the DCAA before anyone fly it in the allowed territory.
In order to obtain registration for your drone, photographs and a training certificate for the drone are pre-requisites.
The weight of the drone is limited to only 5 kilograms.
You can only fly your drone in the allowed radius, and crossing that radius would result in a penalty.
The drone must be carefully inspected for any drop or release device.
The drone you intend to fly must be certified for recreational purposes and not for any commercial activity without the authorities’ consent.
No one is allowed to fly a drone in public or private places other than the permitted radius.
The direct radio link between a drone and a user must be of specific frequencies such as a frequency of 29.7 – 47.0 MHz with a max power of 10 mW or 2400-2500 MHz and a max power of 100 mW.
As far as there are strict restrictions for flying drones only in the limited radius specified by the authorities, no other area is permitted for flying drones in any case.
Another thing to keenly consider is not flying drones within the 5 km radius of the airport outer fence, helicopter landing sites, and airfields.
If anyone is facing any sort of an issue regarding the malfunctioning of the My Drone App, you are suggested to contact the authorities upfront, such as DCAA, before flying your drone without having a stable connection with the app.
The Prohibition on Flying Drones – Why?
Flying drones in Dubai is a serious and illegal practice, as it is clearly stated and mentioned by the authorities considering the new law implementation after January 2022. The permission for flying drones for an individual is restricted considering the imposition of laws and penalties for violating them.
Earlier in the March of 2021, the Dubai Municipality banned flying drones in public parks considering the growing and emerging menace for people. This later grew from bad to worse where the individuals are strictly advised and prohibited from flying drones in the residential areas on account of complaints from the people. Since then, the prohibitions keep on adding one after another, and now a set space of limited radius has been allotted for flying drones, and anywhere else is considered to be a strict violation.
Fines for Flying Drones in Dubai
If someone breaks or violates the law for flying drones in Dubai, they will be dealt with strictly or in some cases, imposed with heavy fines. Here are some of the fines that you must remember at first;
Article 69 of the GCAA clearly states that violating the UAV rules results in hefty fines and imprisonment.
The fine amount might range from AED 50,000, depending on the issue or violation.
The jail term can be up to one year.
As for the people who caught up flying drones in prohibited areas may face prison sentences ranging from 6 months to 5 years, while the fine amount might rise to AED 100,000.
Register Your Drone
If you have a recreational drone, you can register it with the DCAA registration website, apply for the service, and pay so you can get approval. Below are the service charges for the following registrations;
Professional drones – AED 100
Tourist drones – AED 100
Knowledge Dirham Fees (KDF) – AED 10
Innovative Fee – AED 10
The Final Takeway
It was in February 2022 that the drone ban was extended along with all the necessary requirements for the flying space and other restrictions. If you are planning on flying a drone in Dubai, this article will help you understand all there is to understand before it is too late
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